“Alfresco” Portable Gramophone.

“Alfresco” Portable Gramophone.

Categories: Items of interest

This is a very early “portable” gramophone from about 1912.

Although Decca gramophones had the reputation of being the first genuine portables, there were a few earlier ones and the “Alfresco” appears to be one of them. Christopher Proudfoot refers to the gramophone in Edition 29 of the “For the Record” magazine. The magazine of the CLPGS. In it he points out that the gramophone was produced by “Blum & Co” of 20 City Road, London and includes an early advert for the machine.

The design is strange, as the components, tone-arm sound-box and winder are stored inside and a locked lid keeps them there. This makes the gramophone more portable. The carry handle is at the back, so when lifted, the components would drop out if the lid were not locked. This example has the original key. ( a rare bit of good luck!”)

To assemble the gramophone for playing the tone arm and sound-box are attached at the right hand side where there is a aperture covered by a removable plate (Also present).